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Glazes & Underglazes

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glaze long pieces
Advanced Ceramics

How to Glaze Long Pieces

glazing a 28″ tall vase?#potterymaking #potteryvideos #bigpot #pottery #ceramics #clay #glazing A post shared by Don & Cristina (@fishpaint5) on Apr 22, 2017 at 8:49pm PDT In this video, we see Don from FishPaint5 demonstrating how to easily glaze a long piece. Don is a teacher of ceramics and his

Atomizer Sprayer
Advanced Ceramics

How to use an Atomizer Sprayer / Glaze Sprayer

Patricia Bridges of Bridges Pottery shows us how to use a “Glaze Sprayer” or “Atomizer Sprayer” to decorate your ceramics with glaze. This is a great way to build up different layers and different patterns of glaze. Its fun to try out and experiment with, and can help give you a unique style.

Deflocculated and Flocculated Glazes
Advanced Ceramics

Deflocculated and Flocculated Glazes

John Britt explains Deflocculated and Flocculated Glazes in this video below. Equipment you need: Epsom Salt Bentonite CMC Sodium Silicate

Fountain Glazer
Advanced Ceramics

How to make a fountain glazer

Fountain Glazers: What are Fountain Glazers? How do Fountain Glazers work? How can you make your own Fountain Glazer? Find out here!

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