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Insurance for Ceramic Artists: Everything You Need to Know

For ceramic artists like ourselves — whether you’re a functional potter, a sculptor, or an installation artist — the process of bringing our visions to life is a labor of love. However, amidst the passion and artistic fervor, it’s crucial not to overlook the practical aspects of your craft. That’s

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10 Artist Residencies in Europe You Should Apply To

Welcome to Part 3 of our continuing exploration of artist residencies for ceramic artists! In today’s post we’ll be looking North of the equator to share 10 opportunities in Europe that we think are worth applying to. With its rich artistic history and vibrant art scenes, Europe truly has a

Beginner Ceramics

Understanding Clay Types Part 3: Porcelain

Welcome to our third and final installment of our “Understanding Clay Bodies” series! Having previously had a look at earthenware and stoneware, today we’re exploring the development and use of the highly-prized and frequently romanticized clay that is porcelain. With a name originating from the Spanish ‘porcellana’, meaning cowrie shell,

Beginner Ceramics

Understanding Clay Bodies Part 1: Earthenware

As you’ve begun your exploration of ceramics, you’ve likely discovered that clay is primarily divided into three different categories: earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain. But what exactly separates these clays, and how do you know when and how to use each one? In this new blog series, we’re embarking on a

Building a Business

Avoiding Maker Burnout

As creative individuals, we are always full of new goals for our ceramic business — whether it’s aiming for a certain level of sales, getting that new website up and running, starting a newsletter, or all of the above! We love what we do and we want to succeed at

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