Artist Spotlight

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Ayumi Horie – White Pots

A look into Ayumi Horie’s studio practice. Using porcelain, she shows how to dry throw bowls, plates, a match striker, and applies decals to pottery. She talks about the importance of touch and the haptic in life and what it means to make slow pots. All in all, some really

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Michael Casson – The Craft of the Potter – Throwing

Michael Casson was one of the pioneers in the renaissance of studio pottery in the post-war period, a greatly respected and a charismatic teacher and educator who influenced several generations of potters. After reading Bernard Leach’s 1940 A Potter’s Book, Casson responded positively to its concept of unity and wholeness,

Meet the Maker

Isaac Button – Country Potter

Isaac Button was the last true English country potter. In a day, he could turn a ton of clay into pots. When timed he threw a lump of clay on to the wheel, pulled it high, then cut it off with wire in 22 seconds. In an hour, he could

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Coil building in Gakoigo pottery village

I love two things about this video: 1) The clay they are using looks exceptional; a coarse and plastic body, which they handle very wet. The addition of extra water during the building process makes the process akin to throwing. 2) They are using this wet clay to build upside

Advanced Ceramics

Ronald Pothier : Making a Stoneware Teapot

How teapots are made on a throwing wheel. Pottery made from Stoneware clay.Ronald Pothier is a potter from Quebec. Watch as he transforms a hunk of clay into a finished teapot.


Whichford Pottery: How we make our pots

An introduction to Whichford Pottery with Jim Keeling. Look around the garden at Whichford Pottery and see how they make their handmade terracotta pots. It really goes to show that you should appreciate local, home grown traditional businesses, and not just buy plastic pots from ikea. Next time you need

Meet the Maker

Alexandra Engelfriet Ceramic Artist

The camera observes closely how Alexandra Engelfriet molds pieces of clay into an object of art. The sounds and images of her working closely with the clay are so relaxing, and the studio in which she works is breathtaking. The video is shot in her studio in France. What a

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Anne Mette Hjortshøj "Paying Honest Attention"

Danish potter, Anne Mette Hjortshøj lives and works on the small island of Bornholm, situated in the Baltic Sea. This documentary gives a gentle and revealing insight into one of Denmark’s leading potters. It follows Hjortshøj’s daily life; collecting clay from the local beach for her glazes, throwing and making

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Warren MacKenzie

Warren MacKenzie has described his goal as the making of “everyday” pots. Not surprisingly though, his pots are found in major museums and command high prices among collectors. MacKenzie has always kept his prices low and for various time periods did not sign his work (1970s, most of the 2000s). Most of his output is produced in stoneware, although he has worked in porcelain at times during his career. A sample of his amazing work can be seen below, and you can get his pieces relatively well priced from galleries around the world, as well as on

paulus berensohn
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A beautiful insight into the mind of the ceramic artist Paulus Berensohn.

The Ceramic Artist, Paulus Berensohn What a beautiful insight into the mind of the ceramic artist, Paulus Berensohn. He was made an Honorary Member of NCECA (National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts) in 2013, and his book is found in almost every ceramic studio around the world. Get

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Featured Ceramic Articles

spoon rest
Advanced Ceramics

How to Make a Spoon Rest

In this video, Janis Wilson Hughes from Evolution Stoneware Pottery demonstrates how to make a spoon rest. Janis Wilson Hughes is a potter from Johnson

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