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Surface Decoration

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Advanced Ceramics

How to Sgraffito

Step by Step Process of Making Sgraffito Sgraffito is a form of decorating that is achieved by scratching through a surface to reveal a lower layer of contrasting color. This technique uses slips and underglazes mostly to achieve the sgraffito look. You can use underglaze to cover your forms and

honeycomb pattern
Advanced Ceramics

Creating a Honeycomb Pattern on a Bowl

A post shared by Haruya Abe 阿部春弥 (@abe_haruya) on Dec 27, 2016 at 12:53am PST In this video, we can see Abe Haruya from Abe_Haruya carving a honeycomb pattern onto a bowl. Abe Haruya’s work focuses on faceting, design work on the center of bowls and plates, and simple yet

how to apply waterslide decals
Advanced Ceramics

How to Apply Waterslide Decals

How to Apply Waterslide Decals. Waterslide decals are ceramic decals that are specifically made to transfer images from paper to already glazed ceramics or glass.

Advanced Ceramics

How to Print on Clay (Positive & Negative)

The following 10 videos from Kathy Skaggs show you how to print on clay by using positive and negative cutout prints. This is a fantastic technique which allows you to create amazingly decorated ceramic tiles.

Advanced Ceramics

How to scrape a honeycomb pattern

Haruya Abe shows us how he creates his beautiful honeycomb shaved bowls. First of all, you need a dry pot, in the video below he uses a very dry pot, but we recommend using a leather hard one instead to minimize the clay dust. Then you need to measure out the

Advanced Ceramics

How to Make Relief Decoration on Tile Using Shellac Resist

Handmade ceramic tiles are perfect for trying out different decoration techniques. In today’s video, tile maker Frank Giorgini demonstrates a wonderful shellac-resist technique to create relief decoration. The process is similar to wax resist, but the shellac dries quicker, and is easier to control. He also shows us how to repeat  the pattern onto other

pottery decoration techniques
Beginner Ceramics

Simple Textured Pottery Decoration Techniques : Chattering the Clay

Pottery Decoration Techniques: Easy as ABC Ingleton Pottery shows a video of a very easy but effective pottery decoration technique to add some texture to the pot using the Chattering technique. Very easy to do. Once the pot has been thrown on the wheel, let the pot become quite dry

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