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kemper tools
Advanced Ceramics

Kemper Tools: All You Need to Know About Kemper Tools

When it comes to pottery tools – Kemper is a well-known brand that produces Kemper Tools. They have handcrafted american tools for the Ceramic Arts community for over 50 years. Kempte tools can help all ceramicists from hand-builders to wheel throwers. In this article, we will be listing the various

pot throwing
Advanced Ceramics

How to Throw off the Hump

Throwing off the hump can save time when it comes to throwing multiple pieces in one sitting. There are certain precautions that must be taken in order for the thrown pieces to survive, but once the precautions are taken the thrown pieces will survive with little failure. In this article,

Pottery Studio Safety
Advanced Ceramics

20 Ways to Stay Safe in the Pottery Studio

Studio safety is key to living a long and healthy life as a potter. In our line of work, we can come into contact with many different job hazards that can cause us grief down the road. Being cautious and taking preventative measures is the best way to stay safe

Advanced Ceramics

Dipping Tongs and Pot Lifters

When it comes to working in the studio, dipping tongs and pot lifters can make a potters’ job much easier. While there are other tools that might be able to do a similar or maybe even better job these two tools are long-lasting and could be beneficial to add them

How to Emboss
Advanced Ceramics

How to Emboss

Embossing has been around for decades and is commonly used to create a raised texture on paper craft and cards.  Embossing is a very simple process – All you basically need is embossing glue, embossing powder and a heat gun. Since the introduction of embossing glue pens, embossing has become

Atomizer Sprayer
Advanced Ceramics

How to use an Atomizer Sprayer / Glaze Sprayer

Patricia Bridges of Bridges Pottery shows us how to use a “Glaze Sprayer” or “Atomizer Sprayer” to decorate your ceramics with glaze. This is a great way to build up different layers and different patterns of glaze. Its fun to try out and experiment with, and can help give you a unique style.

Deflocculated and Flocculated Glazes
Advanced Ceramics

Deflocculated and Flocculated Glazes

John Britt explains Deflocculated and Flocculated Glazes in this video below. Equipment you need: Epsom Salt Bentonite CMC Sodium Silicate

damp boxes
Advanced Ceramics

All You Need to Know About Damp Boxes

Having your work dry out too soon is a challenge that potters can face in the studio if they are unprepared and do not have a damp box. What is a damp box? It is a storage container or even cabinet that stores the moisture inside of it, which then

Wedging Boards
Advanced Ceramics

Wedging Boards – All you need to know

What is a wedging board? One essential tool that everyone should have in a potters’ studio are wedging boards. These large boards allow you to wedge your clay before throwing it on the pottery wheel. There are many different options a potter can choose from when it comes to wedging boards,

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