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Building a Business

Guess what I found when I Googled “Start a Pottery Business”

Guess what I found when I Googled “Start a Pottery Business”? Hey 🙂 Have you ever thought:  “Oh how I wish I could make ceramics all day, everyday…” And then you tried to find out how you could… Only to find rubbish advice?? Here’s some real (bad) advice I just

Letters from the Editors

The Clay Olympics

Do you have what it takes to represent your country in The Clay Olympics? Then we need you! To kick-off The Ceramics Congress in November 2021, we will be hosting a series of challenges and Live-Streaming the events to our Facebook page… and we are looking for participants to enter

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Best Music for the Pottery Studio

When it comes to working in the studio everyone has preferences for what environment they like to create in. Some people prefer silence, while others enjoy listening to music in order to help them work better in the studio. If you enjoy listening to music, this article can help you

potty potters
Letters from the Editors

Potty Potters 2016: Ceramics in Review

Special Thanks To All Potty Potters 2016 was a great year for ceramics… here’s a quick recap! To all you potty potters: Keep on learning, creating, potting & most importantly, having fun in the new year! ❤

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Deflocculated and Flocculated Glazes
Advanced Ceramics

Deflocculated and Flocculated Glazes

John Britt explains Deflocculated and Flocculated Glazes in this video below. Equipment you need: Epsom Salt Bentonite CMC Sodium Silicate