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Artist Spotlight

Featured Artist Fridays: Julissa Llosa Vite

Julissa Llosa Vite is an exciting artist to watch, particularly for those interested in indigenous healing traditions and exploring ancestral connections. Based in New York City, they grew up in Callao, Peru, where they gained an appreciation for the power of ancestral healing through their family.  Vite’s artwork is inspired

jude ridgeway

Inspiration of the day: Jude Ridgway: Saggar Fired & Reconstructions

Inspiration of the day: Jude Ridgway: saggar fired & reconstructions “Inspiration is from many sources; classical and primitive ceramics; archaeological pottery reconstructed; the colour of rusted metals; weathered wood and other exposed surfaces which have that rich patina of age; winter landscapes criss-crossed by hedges and trees; sunrise and sunset

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Featured Ceramic Articles

Artist Spotlight

Celebrating Contemporary Mexican Ceramics

Ceramics have long played an important role in the history and culture of Mexico, and it continues to be a strong component to the modern artistic landscape. Today we’re highlighting 5 artists who prove that not only are ceramic practices alive and well in Mexico, but that they are thriving and evolving! 


New works by Past Congress Presenter Brenda Quinn

Brenda does not disappoint with her latest exhibition at Charlie Cummings Gallery. Symmetry and a beautiful selective colour palette make this new series of cups, bowls, plates and vases a perfect addition to your spring table setting.

Air Dry Clay Club

Spooky Eyeballs

Ready to make some spooky eyeball toys? This super simple craft is perfect for Halloween! Materials list Air Dry Clay Check price on Amazon Craft

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