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Pottery for Kids : The Benefits of Pottery for kids

  Pottery for Kids: How do kids benefit from pottery? Pottery, for kids, is one of the most creative activities you can let your child experience. Kids are born naturally creative, and inquisitive. They are born filled to the brim with energy, and the need to express themselves. And as

Electric Kilns
Advanced Ceramics

Electric Kilns

Electric Kilns: What is an electric kiln? Why should you buy an electric kiln? What types of electric kilns are there, and which kind of electric kiln is right for you?

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Featured Ceramic Articles

simon leach
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SIMON LEACH Throws an egg!

How To Throw an Egg? The amazing Simon Leach – from Simon Leach Potteries, author of the fantastic book “Simon Leach’s Pottery Handbook: A Comprehensive

Gustavo Pérez
Meet the Maker

Gustavo Pérez

Gustavo Pérez from MPBA editorial on Vimeo. Gustavo Pérez – Mexican ceramicist. “Pre-Hispanic art is part of my background, but everyone loves this work. How