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Artist Spotlight

Featured Artist Fridays: Julissa Llosa Vite

Julissa Llosa Vite is an exciting artist to watch, particularly for those interested in indigenous healing traditions and exploring ancestral connections. Based in New York City, they grew up in Callao, Peru, where they gained an appreciation for the power of ancestral healing through their family.  Vite’s artwork is inspired

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Featured Ceramic Articles

Beginner Ceramics

12 Must-Have Tools for Wheel Throwers

In today’s post, we’re going to have a look at 12 tools that will help you make the most of your wheel throwing experience.

throwing a chuck
Advanced Ceramics

Making Your Own Chuck

When it comes to trimming there is no one single way to trim every piece. Some pieces will require special attention and methods to ensure

Advanced Ceramics

How to Make a Closed Salt Shaker

In this video, we see John Britt showing us how he creates a closed salt shaker. John Britt is a studio potter in Baskerville, North

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