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How to Hand Build a Ceramic Flower

In this video, Adam Spector from SpectorStudiosPorcelain shows us how he hand builds a flower.

How To Handbuild a Ceramic Flower with Adam Spector

These flowers will be part of a wall sculpture, but the techniques can be applied for adding flowers onto wheel thrown work as well.

Adam creates the overall shape he wants for the petal, rolls it with a tool to thin it out, and then proceeds to shape and carve it until he is satisfied with the look of the petal. He proceeds to do this until he has six and can attach it to the base he created to hold the petals and act as the bottom of the flower at the same time. Once he has slipped and scored the six petals and attached them to the base he proceeds to attach three smaller petals and the centerpiece for the flower. Adam then shapes the petals together as a whole until he is pleased with the final look of the flower.

Want to see more of Adam Spector’s work? Follow him and his wife, Sarah at SpectorStudiosPorcelain.


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