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Featured Artist Fridays: Julissa Llosa Vite

Julissa Llosa Vite is an exciting artist to watch, particularly for those interested in indigenous healing traditions and exploring ancestral connections. Based in New York City, they grew up in Callao, Peru, where they gained an appreciation for the power of ancestral healing through their family. 

Vite’s artwork is inspired by ceremonial graves and the ancient ceramic vessels buried alongside them. For Vite, the legacy of these vessels invites ceremonial reconstitution and rebirth into the creative process. As a queer, indigenous immigrant, Vite creates their pieces as an extension of their cultural background. Vite’s work is an homage to the past, a celebration of the present, and a nod to the future as it inspires new generations to explore their ancestral connections.

Vite’s diverse educational background includes Studio Art and Gender Studies at Dartmouth College and Education and Social Work at Hunter College. They have also studied under Irma StartSpirit, learning indigenous healing traditions, and under Lewis Mehl-Medrona, studying Two-Eyed-Seeing, which merges Indigenous and Western healing modalities. Vite is currently a student at Cosmoaudicion, a ceramic school focused on ancestral technologies led by Esteban Valdivia.


IG: @tierrajulz

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