The Ceramics Congress – Australia – May 2022

Ratings and Reviews

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9 Ratings
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Sandra Henzen
Posted 10 months ago
Love them

I love all the ceramic congresses. There is always something for everybody and I rewatch them often. Joshua and his team are very good hosts and working round the clock to accomedate a smooth weekend, The congress is me-time and I always plan to be free all weekend.

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Kristina Fischer
Posted 1 year ago
Very inspering

It was absolutely great????????

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Simone Young
Posted 1 year ago
Amazing artists that give away all their secrets

Love the ceramic Congress. I recommend it to all my Ceramics friends and students. Best value and content. Great artists offering all their secrets. Love learning new skills and new artists. Thank you

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Jude McAuley
Posted 1 year ago
So many ideas

I love the variety of ideas and methods to explore and that I don't have to watch it all in specified time. Being able to come back again and again to explore is the perfect way to improve my own work.

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Fiona Angus
Posted 2 years ago

Everything was fascinating, even the things I don't really want to try now, its still interesting to see what and how others do things. Still haven't worked out how to save workshops yet though

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Janice Shenker
Posted 2 years ago
Another great conference

I tell all my pottery peeps about your fantastic presentations!

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Anette Henningson
Posted 2 years ago
Ceramics Congress Australia

Great presentations, very inspiring and informative. Love it!!!!!!!

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Lida Lewis
Posted 2 years ago
A lot of information in a compact package

Pretty good.

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Martha Hollenhorst
Posted 2 years ago
Ceramics Congresses Showcase Global Artists

The Ceramics Congresses are thoughtfully organized to present multiple techniques from a variety of artists around the world. They also offer the opportunity to interact with the presenting artist and the audience via live chat or on screen. I've enjoyed every workshop that I attended.

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