Inspiration and Ideas

Learn Pottery from Home!

Videos to View

Super Sunday 19th Feb 2017

Our first ever Ceramic School Super Sunday kicked off to a great start with two live online pottery lessons being broadcast to our Facebook Page. The first lesson was by Rainbow Bull Studios, who taught us how to throw bowls and mugs. The second lesson was by JustinCredible Pottery, who

potty potters
Letters from the Editors

Potty Potters 2016: Ceramics in Review

Special Thanks To All Potty Potters 2016 was a great year for ceramics… here’s a quick recap! To all you potty potters: Keep on learning, creating, potting & most importantly, having fun in the new year! ❤

katie marks : anotherseattleartist
Get Inspired!

Katie Marks: Geometric Spacey Tie-dyed Lustres

Katie Marks (anotherseattleartist) has developed a wonderful technique to produce Tie-dyed glazed pots, with gold lustre on top. The Mugs and Jugs are wonderfully colorful, and a different take on decorating with lustres. Very Spacey. Very Geometric. Very Gold. Very much in LOVE. Take a look for yourself, and let

Advanced Ceramics

Jennifer McCurdy: How to create a beautiful Sculpture from a Vase

Jennifer McCurdy gives us a Fabulous demonstration on how she turns her Wheel-Thrown pots into Beautiful Organic Sculptures. So the next time you have a pot come off the wheel that you’re not happy with, why not try this out! Buy her new book “Vessels: A Conversation in Porcelain and

On Trend

Featured Ceramic Articles

Advanced Ceramics

How to Make a Juicer

In this video, we see John Britt showing us how he creates a juicer for fruits such as lemons, limes, and oranges. John Britt is

Advanced Ceramics

How to make a Greek Stamnos for Water

In this video, we see George Sifounios from Sifoutv Pottery demonstrating how to make a Greek stamnos for holding water. George Sifounios is a potter

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