Letters from the Editors

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Letters from the Editors

Potty Potters 2016: Ceramics in Review

Special Thanks To All Potty Potters 2016 was a great year for ceramics… here’s a quick recap! To all you potty potters: Keep on learning, creating, potting & most importantly, having fun in the new year! ❤

On Trend

Featured Ceramic Articles

Building a Business

Avoiding Maker Burnout

As creative individuals, we are always full of new goals for our ceramic business — whether it’s aiming for a certain level of sales, getting

Studio Safety & Wellness

Understanding Silicosis

As ceramic makers, we often find solace in the tactile nature of working with clay. However, amidst the joy of sculpting and crafting, it’s crucial

Advanced Ceramics

5 Handbuilding Templates to Do at Home

These easy-to-follow hand building templates will have you creating brand new forms, and will inspire you to create some unique templates of your own.

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