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The Etsy Dilemma: Why maybe it’s time we found better ways of selling online.

Selling online, social media algorithms, website template builders, photo editing apps; keeping up is enough to make your head spin. No matter which online tools we are using as artists to be a part of the online maker community to promote and sell our work, they are constantly changing and often not for the better.

Years back when Etsy began it was a successful blueprint for the increasing demand of online sales, but over the years, even those makers that built their businesses thanks to Etsy, have left in search of better options. Competing with mass produced items in a formally handmade only market place is just one reason for the mass exodus. The latest announcement of increased fees has the community that still uses Etsy furious. If ETSY CEO Josh Silverman is celebrating all time highs for sales and revenue, why then are the artists and makers taking yet another hit to stay in the Etsy game?

The Verge just published a must read article which in itself is a call to the community to boycott Etsy to have their voices heard. “Sellers are asking shoppers to boycott the platform between April 11th and April 18th.”

For those still using Etsy as a sales platform fear not as there are a number of other options for online selling, some may require a larger investment of time cultivating followers on social media, but in the end sellers will have substantially more control of how they market and sell their work with more profits staying in their pockets.

Want to know more? Make sure to read the Verge article by Mia Sato, and also check out Joshua’s post “Should I sell on Etsy?” here on The Ceramic School blog from 2019 which breaks down some of the other options for makers selling online. “How much can you earn by Selling your Ceramics online?” is another worthwhile read especially if you’re just thinking of starting an online business.

Want to try out our brand new ceramics marketplace that guarantees no mass-produced ceramics and puts your customers focus on just your products?

Try out POTSY – The brand new ceramics marketplace by The Ceramic School

Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments below. Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you think you’ll try something new in the future? What’s working for you now? We’d love to know.


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