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Meet the Maker: Asma Waheed

It’s a pleasure to introduce our next Meet the Maker artist Asma Waheed! A current Master’s student, Asma has been working in clay since she took a local community studio class in 2012. As with so many of us, she was hooked and has been focused on ceramics ever since.

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Featured Ceramic Articles

how to create a scalloped vase
Advanced Ceramics

How To Create a Scalloped Vase

David Cuzick shows us how he throws a porcelain scalloped vase, and the results are beautiful. Have you tried throwing a scalloped vase before? Why not

Beginner Ceramics

Understanding Clay Bodies Part 1: Earthenware

As you’ve begun your exploration of ceramics, you’ve likely discovered that clay is primarily divided into three different categories: earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain. But what

best light boxes
Building a Business

Best Light Boxes

Light boxes are extremely helpful for photographing your work. The difference between photos of ceramics that have been photographed in a light box is tremendous.

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