jude ridgeway pottery

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jude ridgeway

Inspiration of the day: Jude Ridgway: Saggar Fired & Reconstructions

Inspiration of the day: Jude Ridgway: saggar fired & reconstructions “Inspiration is from many sources; classical and primitive ceramics; archaeological pottery reconstructed; the colour of rusted metals; weathered wood and other exposed surfaces which have that rich patina of age; winter landscapes criss-crossed by hedges and trees; sunrise and sunset

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Featured Ceramic Articles

ceramic ashtray
Advanced Ceramics

How to Make a Ceramic Ashtray

In this video, we see George Sifounios from Sifoutv Pottery demonstrating how to make an ashtray. George Sifounios is a potter from Leros Island, Greece.

Meet the Maker: Asma Waheed

It’s a pleasure to introduce our next Meet the Maker artist Asma Waheed! A current Master’s student, Asma has been working in clay since she

Building a Business

Keeping Safe in Your Home Studio

Setting up a home studio is an exciting process! Not only does it provide the convenience of easy access, it allows you to customize your

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