Ceramic Materials & Recipes

A Global list of Ceramic Materials and Glaze Recipes

Potclays Modelling Clay 1100-1280C

Potclays Miller Tile Body 1220-1300C

Potclays Lavafleck 1200-1270C

Potclays John Beeston Porcelain 1220-1290C

Potclays Industrial Crank 1210-1300C

Potclays Harry Fraser Porcelain 1220-1290C

Potclays Grogged Red 1050-1200C

Potclays Grogged Pink 1120-1270C

SIO-2 Gris High Fire Grogged 0-0.5mm

SIO-2 Green Earthenware 1050-1080C

Showing Recipes 791-800 of 1957

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