Ernabella Arts is an Aboriginal owned and run corporation which promotes and supports ethical practice in the creation and sale of Indigenous art.Established in 1948, Ernabella Arts is Australia’s oldest, continuously running Indigenous Art Centre. Ernabella Arts is in Pukatja Community, at the eastern end of the Musgrave Ranges in the far north west of South Australia and was the first permanent settlement on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (APY Lands). Ernabella Arts is known nationally and internationally for strong and diverse art making in the mediums of painting and ceramics.Ernabella Arts’ ceramics studio’ Pukatja Pottery began in 2003, enabling Anangu expression through the medium of clay. Ernabella artists make work that are both sculptural and vessel-based and represent connection to Country and storytelling. Ernabella Arts is proud to be part of the Remote Communities Ceramic Network (RCCN).