• What excites you the most about ceramics? and what do you make? After
      you’ve answered, please share a photo of your latest work

      dluiz and Alexandra Michiardi
      • What excites me about ceramics, is how I enjoy the journey so much more than the out come. The whole creation process is full of ups and downs, when it’s fired you either like it or not and learn from it. 

        • I’m make some pots with coil .

          • I love to make bowls and some covered jars. 

            • I love making useful things, and sometimes just for fun things.

              I make “tableware” using stoneware clay mid range glaze. 

              I love the immediacy of throwing pots. It is so easy to imagine them after being thrown, glazed and ready to use.

              My Grandfather taught me “the best way to add value to your life is to do something you love to do simply because you love to do it”, and for me that is making Pottery. 

              • Whatever is on my mind at the time I sit at my wheel

                • I love the endless possibilities. Recently made a yellow submarine dog treat jar for a family friend:) waiting for it to get bisque fired!

                  • I’ve got adhd and while busy with ceramic, my head is almost silent… And I love making other people happy 🥰

                    • The ideas come and go. Sometimes I have been exceting but clay travels through my hands and the outcome is always diferent. Pottery is fun and anything conected to clay makes me happy as well as my family and friends.

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