• I am grateful to be able to join this latest Ceramics Congress and be able to talk and chat with some of you throughout the events, it has been an exhausting 4-5 days of waking ip very early and sleeping very late, but it’s all worth it, get to meet and talk to some of my top Ceramics legends. Inspiring, educational, awesome!!!! Thank you to Joshua, Vipoo, Fab, Carole, and all the interpreters, interviewers, masters, teachers, artists, experts!!!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😁🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 All of you did an amazing job! Keep up the good works!

      Nice meeting all of you! And hope to see most of you again in the next Ceramics Congress Australia. To end, here I share a few of my works:

      Gill Wingate, Caroline Krabbe Haugen Sorensen and 11 others

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