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My Ceramics

Pottery Wheel


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I am not a production potter and I’m not prolific enough to feel I can support a shop. I post all my work publicly on Facebook, and I sell in a couple of small galleries near my home in rural Maine.

About Me


My name is Shelly. I live in Downeast Maine, and I make functional pottery. When my publishing job offered me early retirement, I jumped at the chance, partly thinking I would spend a lot more time in my studio. But the truth is that I am interested in too many things to devote a large chunk of my day to any one pursuit, so generally I try to spend 2-3 hours a day with clay.

What I Love about Ceramics

I love the feel of the clay in my hands, and I’ve never stopped seeing the rising of clay on the wheel as magical. I’ve always loved to buy and use handmade ceramics, and since I’ve started pottery myself, I particularly enjoy using items I made. It’s both a learning experience (Is this handle too thin? Is this piece too bottom-heavy? Is the lip comfortable to pour/drink from?), an experience of accomplishment, and a personal joy to use my own creations. I also love knowing that other people are enjoying daily use of pieces I’ve made. I also love–but it’s kind of a love/hate relationship–the way the process is a never-ending journey of discovery and learning. I never feel I’ve “arrived” at my clay destination, and I’m pretty sure I never will!

How I started with ceramics

The previous owner of our house at the time (15 years ago or so) had left an old kickwheel under the deck, and when a potter friend was looking for a kickwheel to use in her booth at a local Renaissance Faire, I gave it to her. She wanted to pay me, but I told her I was just happy for it to have a good home and be refurbished and used, so instead she offered me a free 8-week pottery class at her studio. I got hooked right away and never looked back.

What inspires me

Seeing the work of other potters. Also, just looking around at the world and seeing what nature provides. For example, the new photos coming from the James Webb telescope always make me think about glazes.

What I'm working on at the moment

After a summer too busy with other activities, I am trying to get back to a regular pottery practice. I’m working on my sgraffito mugs, as well as trying to make larger bowls and platters. One goal I have is to make a full set of dishes for myself (though I don’t want to do that for anyone else: It feels too much like production pottery, which to me is too repetitive to keep me interested, plus I hate doing commissions).

My Artist Statement

I hate artists statements.


As basically a “hobby potter,” I have no career highlights to share. I’ve participated in some very small, local shows, and a few fairs, but nothing of note.

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