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My Ceramics

In the studio I like to do

Handbuilding, Throwing on the Wheel, Sculpting

Pottery Wheel

Shimpo Aspire

Clay body


Clay Brand

Laguna, Trinity

Kiln Type

Electric Kiln

Kiln Atmosphere

Reduction Atmosphere


5 and 6


Mayco, Spectrum, Coyote, Texas Two Step

You can buy my work from

My FaceBook page

Okie Pottery

About Me


My name is Teretta and I’m in Oklahoma in the good ole USA. I love to make one of a kind items, but am learning to throw mugs and bowls that are the same size and shape. I make mugs, bowls, plates, tumblers, sculptures. I mostly make usable items. I’m always interested in learning more techniques and learning more processes to make more creative things, and always learn how to make things cleaner.

What I Love about Ceramics

I love the creativity of making things with my hands. I see them in my mind then I make them with the creativity the Lord gave me. I’m so thankful.

How I started with ceramics

I learned the love of pottery in my grandmother’s ceramic shop in her backyard. I loved it as a kid, then as an adult I was drawn to it again.

What inspires me

The beauty of all the colors the Lord has made all around me. The desire to have beautiful functional ware and being able to make it, and have it be lead free.

What I'm working on at the moment

Right now I’m working on a kind of matching pair of lemon decorated mugs for a customer who ask me to make them.

My Artist Statement

I’m a creative person who makes one of a kind items


I don’t have any craft shows yet but am getting ready to be at one this coming fall Lord willing

Profile Type


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