
First Name


Last Name




My Ceramics

In the studio I like to do

Handbuilding, Sculpting, Slip casting, Everything to do with Ceramics

Pottery Wheel

not use

Clay body

Earthenware, Stoneware, Porcelain

Clay Brand


Kiln Type

Oil Kiln

Kiln Atmosphere

Reduction Atmosphere




ready made glazes, adding some pigments, or ash

You can buy my work from

About Me


I am Agnes Husz, a ceramic artist, living in Japan.

I developed a very unique way of making. The basic element of  all my pieces are the long flat clay-strips what is very much like the Japanese kimono obi/kimono belt, stretching out from clay-slab by hand.

In this way I make small and large scale objects, installations or even bowls.

I would appreciate it if you follow me on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, thank you!

What I Love about Ceramics

intensive contact with materiality

How I started with ceramics

I wanted to became a sculpture and went to the art secondary school, but there weren’t sculpturing class, so I choose the Ceramics Class instead.

Than I was 15

What inspires me

my surrounding : culture, architecture, nature, Zen gardens, Japanese flower arrangement, wabi-sabi, oriental philosophy

What I'm working on at the moment

large and small objects, functional sculptures, large sculptures, platters, tea ceremony wares

My Artist Statement

I am an artist working with clay.
The working process is an everyday journey for me, and has a kind of rituality in it.
I build sculptures or even bowls in a very unique way from clay strips, stretched out by hand.

I freely shape my objects just like a three-dimensional drawing.

This is what gives my works a recognizable, defining character.

Since I have been living in Japan for almost 30 years, the oriental accent is not just a coincidence. The culture and philosophy of this beautiful country naturally entwinning with my originals, and that is how my pieces, combining East and West are born.
I wish to arouse curiosity, and through mediation by my artwork, to get my audience to think together about the relationship between nature and human beings, to reflect on its elementary significance.


 AGNES HUSZ ceramic artist  




1988 Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design, Bachelor Diploma – Budapest, Hungary

1990 Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design, Master Degree – Budapest, Hungary


Society Memberships

2013 Member, International Academy of Ceramics -Switzerland

1990 Member, Association of Hungarian Artists – Hungary




2015 Ferenczy Noemi Prize, Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Hungary




2022 Oribe 14th Contemporary Tea Ceremony Exhibition, Special Prize – Toki, Japan

2021 National Biennale of Ceramic Art, Zsolnay Prize – Pecs, Zsolnay Center, Hungary

2019 4th Cluj International Ceramics Biennale, Honorable Mention – Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2018 IAC Members Thematic Exh. General Prize – Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

2017 5th International Triennial of Silicate Arts, Honorable Mention – Kecskemet, Hungary

2017 Oribe 10th Contemporary Tea Ceremony Exhibition, Special Prize – Toki, Japan

2016 Oribe 9th Contemporary Tea Ceremony Exhibition, Special Prize – Toki, Japan

2015 2nd Cluj International Ceramics Biennale, Honorable Mention – Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2014 7th Contemporary Tea Ceremony Exhibition, Merit Award – Toki, Japan

2011 Kobe Biennale Contemporary Ceramics, Encouragement Prize – Kobe,Japan

2009 XX.Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition, Prize Nominee – Tokyo,Japan

2007 Hasami Ceramic Art, Meshiwan Grand Prix Exhibition, Grand Prize – Hasami, Japan

2006 Pecs Hungarian Ceramic Biennale XVIII, Bronze Prize – Pecs, Hungary

2000 Cairo 5th International Biennale for Ceramics, Biennale Prize – Cairo,Egypt

2000 Pecs Hungarian Ceramic Biennale XVI, Bronze Prize – Pecs, Hungary

1994 Nisshin 2nd Ceramic Festival, Special Judges’ Prize – Tokyo, Japan


Panel Judge Exhibitions, Competitions, Art Faires (recent)

2021 Art Market Budapest, by K.A.S. Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

2020 Latvia Internationa Ceramics Biennale, Martinson Award

2020 Art Fair Tokyo ~SatelliteS~ Hareza Brilla Hall, Ikebukuro Tokyo

2019 Kapolna Gallery, ICSHU – Kecskemét, Hungary

2018 “Answer From The Universe”exhibition,Tama Art University Museum – Tokyo

2018 Art Fair Tokyo, “Pangea Tectonics”, International Forum – Tokyo, Japan

2017 Kikuchi Biennale VII. Kikuchi Tomo Museum – Tokyo, Japan

2017,16,14,12,05,00,98 Oribe Ceramics in the Modern Tea Ceremony -Seratopia,Toki, Japan 2014 Westerwald Prize 2014,Honorable Mention – Hohr-Grenzhausen, Germany

2013 SOFA Art Fair, by Ippodo Gallery NY – Chicago, USA

2012 XXII.International Ceramic Biennale,Honorable Mention – Vallauris, France

2011 Silicate III.International Triennale, Honorable Mention – Kecskemet, Hungary

2005 New Wave in Ceramics, 50 Artists,Central Airport Nagoya – Nagoya, Japan

2005 Regards croisés sur la céramique, Rencontres Europe – Japon,

Espace Bertin Poirée – Paris,France

2005,00,99,98 Asahi Ceramic Exhibition – Nagoya & Tokyo, Japan



Solo Exhibitions in Galleries (recent)

2021 Tomesishi/ StopStone, K.A.S. Gallery – Budapest, Hungary

2020,2016,14,12,10 Nagano Tokyu Art Salon – Nagano, Japan

2020,2017,15 Seibu Art Gallery – Tokyo Ikebukuro, Japan

2019 Cloud Forest Gallery at URS27m – Taipei, Taiwan

2019 NTUE Gallery, National Taipei University of Education – Taipei, Taiwan

2019 Kakiden Gallery – Tokyo, Japan

2017,15,11,09 Akagi Art Museum – Maebashi, Gunma, Japan

2016 Kakiden Gallery – Tokyo, Japan

2015,10,05 Gallery Ogata – Fukuoka, Japan

2013,11 Mitsukoshi Art Gallery – Sendai, Japan 2013 Isetan Art Salon- Tokyo Shinjuku, Japan 2012 Sogo Art Gallery – Yokohama, Tokyo

2012,08 Kenbishi Gallery – Nagoya, Japan

2012,09,08,07 Kiyosato Flashpoint Gallery – Karuizawa, Japan

2009 Gallery Yui – Kyoto,Japan 1998-2007 Nakagen Gallery – Kasukabe,Tokyo, Japan

2006 Kolva-Sullivan Gallery – Spokane,Washington, USA

2006 Gallery Tohsai “Cross Point” (collab. with Hiroko Suzuki, Ikebana Artist) – Tokyo, Japan 2002 Ginza Kuroda Touen – Tokyo, Japan

2000 Inui Gallery – Ashikaga, Tokyo, Japan   Solo Exhibitions in Museums and Public Places 2012 Shigaraki Ceramic Park Museum Gallery, The Universe in Helix Forms – Shigaraki, Japan 2010 Kossuth Gallery, Spirals (Hiroko Suzuki, flower installations) – Mohacs, Hungary

2008 Kitazawa Museum of Art, Agnes Husz Ceramics,Spiral Art – Kiyosato, Japan

2005 Hanga Museum,The Universe in Forms, Ceramic Works of Agnes Husz/ Print works Fumio Wakabayashi – Suzaka, Japan

2004 Inax Tile Museum, New Wave in Ceramics, Agnes Husz – Tokoname, Japan






2021 Hands on Demonstration and Lecture on my work and technique – University of Pecs, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ceramics, Hungary

2019 Beneath the Cherry Trees, Lecture and hands on demonstration for students, National Taipei University of Education, Arts and Design Faculty – Taipei, Taiwan

2019 Beneath the Cherry Trees, Lecture for students, Tainan National University of Arts, Ceramics Faculty – Tainan, Taiwan

2019 Beneath the Cherry Trees, Lecture and hands on demonstration for student, Taipei American School Art Faculty – Taipei, Taiwan

2018 New Orientalia Congress by the International Academy of Ceramics -Taipei, Taiwan

2018 Answer from The Universe, Tama Art University Museum – Tokyo, Japan



in Residence

2021 International Cermics Studio Hungary, Kecskemet – one month scholarship supported by the NKA / National Cultural Found of Hungary/

2019 Cloud Forest Ceramics Studio – Taipei, Taiwan

2019Kecskemet International Ceramic Symposium – ICSHU,Kecskemet, Hungary

2016 Arctic International Ceramic Symposium – Posio, Finland

2015 Egypt International Ceramic Symposium – Cairo, Egypt

2010 Guest Artist, Shigaraki Ceramic Park – Shigaraki, Japan

1998,92,90 Kecskemet International Ceramic Studio – Kecskemet, Hungary

1993 European Ceramics Work Center – s’Hertogenbosch, Holland

1991 The Color Symposium – Siklos Ceramic Studio, Hungary

1990 Brick Symposium – Bacska Brick Factory, Yugoslavia



Mural Works / Public Place Works

2003 Densan Building Hall: Objects (3 works) – Nagano, Japan

1997 Restaurant “Lapis Lazuli”: Entrance Relief – Kamiyamada-onsen, Japan

1996 Restaurant “La Foret”: Front Wall Relief – Koushoku, Japan 1991 University of Kaposvar: “Four Elements” Front Gate Relief (architect Dezso Eckler) – Kaposvar,Hungary    Public


Public Collections

Harvest Kecskemet International Ceramic Studio – Kecskemét, Hungary, Donated 2019

Wind Organ Furian Museum, Contemporary Art Collection – Fukuoka, Japan, Acquired 2017

Obi Plate, Puzzle Objec Mizuta Museum of Art, Josai University Collection, Modern Artists – Tokyo, Japan, Acquired 2016

The Eye, Circle Triangle Square, Arctic International Ceramic Museum – Posio, Finland, Donated 2016

Bouton, Musée Magnelli, Musée de la Céramique – Vallauris, France, Donated 2012

The Eye, Shigaraki Prefectural Museum of Contemporary Art, Shigaraki Ceramic Park, Japan, Donated 2011

Venus, Forest Venus, 15th of May Contemporary Art Museum – Cairo, Egypt, Donated 2000 Spirals, European Ceramic Work Centre – ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Holland, Donated 1993

Chorus, Venus, The Head, Kecskemet International Ceramic Studio – Kecskemét, Hungary, Donated 1992

Letter “A” , Janus Pannonius Museum – Pécs, Hungary, Donated 1990


Publications (selected)

2021 Álljunk meg egy szóra (Let’s stop for a word) by Piroska Novák, printed: Magyar Narancs September, pg.42

2021 A szimbólumok ereje (The power of symbols) by Judit Spanyár, Designisso, online magazine of the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts

2021 Nagyon fontos hogy minden természetesen jöjjön (It is very important that everything comes naturally) by Lépold Zsanett, Art Magazin online Hungary

2019 Answer from The Universe, pg.14-15 pg.36-39 Tama Art University Museum – Tokyo

2017 Focus Eye. Agnes Husz by Todate Kazuko, Honoho Geijutsu No.129, pg.88-91

2016 In Studio with Agnes Husz by Eveline Schoenmann,New Ceramics Magazine 6/16, pg.62-63

2013 The World in Spiral-Agnes Husz, Isetan I-card Spring Issue 1.23, pg.40-41

2010 Whirling, interview with Agnes Husz, Hungarian Applied Arts quarterly journal

2010/3, pg.20-24

2005 Agnes Husz, New Way in Ceramics-50 artists (1999-2005) Inax edition,50 artists memorial exhibition catalogue, pg.118-9



TV/ Radio / YouTube Interviews (selected)

2021 Husz Ágnes tárlatvezetése a Tomeishi/Megállitókő kiállitásásán (Guided tour of Ágnes Husz at her “Tomeishi / Stop Stone” exhibition by György Sebők, @Longmusicproduction,  on YouTube

2021 A lényeg hogy az ember tudja fogadni az intuíciót (The point is that one can receive intuition) interview talk with Zsuzsanna Bende by Buddha FM radio

2010 May 7. Örvények (Whirls) Agnes Husz exhibition interview, Mohacs-TV – Hungary

2009 October 5. Kirari Shunno Hito, NHK-Nagano-TV – Japan

2007 December 25. Meshiwan Grand Prix- interview with Agnes Husz TBS-Nagano-TV – Japan

2006 July 11. Utsuwa Yume Kobo, Agnes Husz ceramics NHK-TV BS – Japan






Zsdral Art&Design Gallery– Pécs, Hungary

K.A.S. Gallery – Budapest, Hungary

Kakiden Gallery – Tokyo Shinjuku, Japan –

Cloud Forest Ceramics – Taipei, Taiwan –

Gallery Kenbishi – Nagoya, Japan –

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