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My Ceramics

In the studio I like to do

Handbuilding, Sculpting, Everything to do with Ceramics

Clay body

Earthenware, Stoneware, Porcelain

Clay Brand

What is in stock

Kiln Type

Electric Kiln

Kiln Atmosphere

Oxidation Atmosphere


1100 or 1220



You can buy my work from

IMA Brisbane Qld Australia

About Me


My name is Pru and I live in Brisbane Queensland. Australia.
I make functional and sculptural pieces and paint terra sigillata on the surface using scrafito to scratch out texture and drawings.

What I Love about Ceramics

I love the feel of clay and the challenges each form presents. I enjoy trying to engineer each piece so that it makes it through all the stages without disaster striking. I like making an idea into an object.

How I started with ceramics

I studied Visual Arts straight from school and then several years later after working in different industries I decided to study Ceramics. I thought it’d be interesting. Of course I fell in love with it.

What inspires me

I like work that tells a story which represents the maker.
I had a thing for Greek pottery at one point.
My dogs inspire me.
I enjoy Stephen Bird’s work.
Colour, brushstrokes and scratched drawings excite me.
I like words.

What I'm working on at the moment

I’m working on slab built dog vases, a few sculptural pieces and porcelain brooches.

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