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My Ceramics

In the studio I like to do

Handbuilding, Throwing on the Wheel, Sculpting, Everything to do with Ceramics

Pottery Wheel

Venco Direct Drive

Clay body

Earthenware, Stoneware

Clay Brand

Blackwattle, Clayworks, Walker {all Aussie brands}

Kiln Type

Electric Kiln


mid range

You can buy my work from

No work to sell at the moment. Getting back into ceramics is a work in progress at this stage.

Have relocated and setting up a new mini-studio environment. Do not have my own kiln and am starting from the beginning… once again.


About Me


Call me Renee. Am an American world traveler and recently living in the heart of Australia.

Relocated to Alice Springs NT in February of 2021 and planning to set up a new ceramics studio to sell my work through local markets and online to the world. Joined the local Craft Central, next to the Araluen Art Center, where I will be able to use their electric and gas kiln for my artwork.

What I Love about Ceramics

The feel of it at every stage.

How I started with ceramics

Been potting for over 35 years. It just became a part of my life.

What inspires me

Freedoms, the wind, nature, marks, process.

What I'm working on at the moment

Setting up a mini-studio, testing local Aussie clays and figuring out how to start from the beginning again with few resources.

My Artist Statement

Starting over & breathing fresh air on Arrente land. Forever grateful to be an artist.


In progress.

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