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My Ceramics

In the studio I like to do

Handbuilding, Sculpting, Slip casting, Everything to do with Ceramics

Pottery Wheel

Electric wheel

Clay body


Clay Brand

Limoges porcelain

Kiln Type

Electric Kiln

Kiln Atmosphere

Oxidation Atmosphere


Cone 6 & 7


Brush on glaze, clear glaze

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About Me


Somchai Charoen is a Thai born ceramic artist based in Sydney who has exhibited both nationally and internationally. Trained in industrial ceramics design, he was a former lecturer at Silpakorn University, Thailand. Since migrating to Australia in 2002, he has worked commercially as a mould and model maker as well as his art practice and taught in ceramics at National Arts School in Sydney as a sessional.

What I Love about Ceramics

Clay is a magic material and ceramics process needs a lot of patience that taught me to be a good person.

How I started with ceramics

I studied ceramics at Silpakorn University, Thailand in 1987 and worked as an artist, designer as well as taught in ceramic at Silpakorn University, Thailand for 10 years before migrated to Australia to find my love.

What inspires me

Everything around me.

What I'm working on at the moment

A new artwork for next exhibition “The Growth series”

My Artist Statement

Sydney based ceramist Somchai Charoen creates vibrant sculptures out of slip cast porcelain. He likes to challenge his skill by making a mould that will explore the idea and possibilities of what mould making technique can be easily be used to create a number of composite moulds or can be connected in different ways by constructed or flexible arrangement.

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