• @Polina

      I really enjoyed the (brief) meeting I had with you and others yesterday before the internet went out. I wanted to follow-up about the “congratulations” I gave about your making a successful goal of mothering and parenting your girls successfully to adulthood. I know that that transition (when the children left the house) was such a complicated time when I experienced it-so complicated, in fact, that I started over- and have A 30 year-old daughter. . .and 5 year year-old twins. I hope that I didn’t come off as facile in that comment. I empathize with you and am so inspired by the way you are taking your obvious talent and more fully bringing it into the world. I feel like this program is a new kind of “gestation”- it’s not any easier to “give birth” to me and this new phase or identity than it was to create and nurture other human beings. I’m lucky to be in this with you. Thank you for sharing your art and your ideas- they reach me all the way over here!

      Polina Knight and Joshua Collinson
      1 Comment
      • Hi Eli!! I am so glad that you joined yesterday, and really hope you will again soon. These meet-ups are a huge part of this ‘journey’ ( don’t like the word but somehow it fits here). The people I’ve met so far are super talented, extremely knowledgeable, very giving and generous with their time and advise. I can only hope that I can also contribute in some way, and your beautiful message has made my day! 
        I cannot imagine having twins, especially 25 years after my first! I’ve been getting dogs to fix that void in a way😂😂😂, at one stage I had 9, and yes, at the same time! 
        I found motherhood an all consuming experience, it still is and the challenges seem to almost grow in magnitude. I realised fairly recently that this fact does not change when the kids reach 18, 19, 25… it’s a terrifying feeling for me, I don’t know how to not feel it. So this was it, like a sink or swim instinct,( I want to be a ‘swimmer’)- I need clay, I need to go back to me and this course has come along at the most perfect time, I believe Joshua has his google analytics down to fine art ( merging on magic). I feel there is something else at play here, for me in any case, I’m ready, I have time, I’ve been able to prioritise, and it’s not my first attempt, and most of all I’m tired of my own moaning voice, I’ve ran out of excuses! So going back to what you’ve been saying before we lost you, I can really understand how overwhelming it is, I couldn’t have done it with one five year old, let alone two! But the difference here is that you get to keep the course forever, and work through it in your own time. Plus the connections you make here are for life too. I have not come across a platform that offers this much.
        The way I feel at the moment is happy, I look forward to my day of planning and learning and am exited to see what I’ll end up doing… and I really want for as many others as possible to feel this way too, especially mothers. I feel the challenge of identity is so huge for women, but it’s rarely spoken about in a way that is not dismissive, belittling or as if it’s how it should be.
        So, dear Eli, please feel free to contact me any time with anything, and I’m sure the others in the group will feel the same. I will be happy to help if I can or point out somebody who’ll know more. And thank you once again for your wonderful words 🙏🙏❤️

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