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About Me


Hi, my name’s Joshua, and I am the founder of The Ceramic School.

What I Love about Ceramics

I am fascinated by all things Ceramic – from the physical aspect of throwing on the wheel, the designing of forms and functions, and the technical aspects of making your own glazes & kilns.

How I started with ceramics

I was introduced to Clay at quite a young age, In high school, I had pottery lessons & actually my first paid job was as the ceramic teacher’s assistant – I have very fond memories of spending hours and hours after school tidying up the tools, stacking the kiln, reclaiming and wedging the used clay for the day!

At home, I was always surrounded by wonderful ceramic objects.We drank tea from mugs made by Walter Keeler, Jack Doherty, the late Richard Godfrey, Richard Dewer, Ashley Howard… We had our cereals out of bowls by Chris Gustin, Clive Bowen and Joe Finch.

Works of art by Craig Underhill, Robin Welch, Rafa Perez, Simon Carroll, Jack Doherty, Ken Matsuzaki, Kate Malone, Geoffrey Swindell, Ashraf Hanna, Peter Hayes, along with many others, were around the house.

What inspires me

Studying Fine Art at University, I initially wanted to get into sculpture. But whilst there, I discovered my love for 3D Animation. The ability to sculpt things in 3D space directly from my mind was mind-blowing for me! I chose to read 3D Animation at Ravensbourne in London and after achieving a BA, went into making websites. During the last 15 years of working online, I’ve become more involved in the business side of things. I love designing websites, I love helping people get online, and get a real buzz out of helping them succeed with their own online businesses.

Both of these passions have combined into The Ceramic School, and I now have a small team of amazing potters from all around the world, working with me to help create the best online platform for potters.

What I'm working on at the moment

The Ceramics Congress!

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