• Looking for Android App Testers!
      Hey! 👋 Do you love pottery and do you have an android phone?

      We have just released our first version of our app and would like your feedback!

      We only have 1,000 spaces available for testers in thie first round, so sign up quick 🙂

      Things you can do:
      – Join the community: post to your profile, join groups and discussions
      – Share your Pottery Log and keep track of the materials you are using.
      – Browse + add to our Online Ceramics Directory
      – Watch your purchased Online Pottery Workshops

      Download the Android App now:

      Please send all feedback to support@ceramic.school 🙂

      Unknown Member, Fabiola (Fab) De la Cueva and 4 others
      • Hi, 

        I downloaded and am using the app on  Samsung S21.  

        So far so good.  Easy to navigate around. No loading issues that I’ve experienced.  

        Here’s a pic of my latest small bowl set that just came out of the kiln.   Seems to have uploaded easily.  

        A definite improvement over the app of a few years ago. Thanks!

      • Just installed on my Android OnePlus 7 pro. All good so far

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