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My Ceramics

In the studio I like to do

Handbuilding, Sculpting

Clay body

Earthenware, Porcelain

Clay Brand

I like black clay, heavily grogged clay and sandy clay

Kiln Type

Electric Kiln

Kiln Atmosphere

Reduction Atmosphere


1060 and 1160


Various, but pre made

You can buy my work from

About Me


I’m Yasmin, a Guernsey Girl who started in clay in 2017.

Professional photographer for over 30 years, I now can’t be dragged away from my clay!

What I Love about Ceramics

The vast amount of learning there is, the people it attracts. The art the endless, endless possibilites.

How I started with ceramics

Went to a class, built a 3′ hare and never looked back.

What inspires me

My island life, history, folklore and humor.

What I'm working on at the moment

Toilers of the Sea chess set

My Artist Statement

I am inspired by the history and stories from the Island I live on; Guernsey

A wealth of creative ideas abound at every turn. Victor Hugo was inspired while

living here with his writing.
I have made the Guernsey/Jersey Chess set, and like to sculpt and hand build.

Working with my dear potter friend who makes amazing large forms, which I then

wreck by adding and making holes in we have come up with a beautiful range of ‘Y&Y’ lamps.


CV? Hahaaaaa.

Things I’ve done:

Teacher of Spanish

Teacher of Photography

Teacher of clay classes.


Cook for a community of 80 people.
Drama troupe actor



Player of mud and glaze.


Just me.

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