• I could use some help with wheel thrown lids fitting right. They seem ok bisque fired but they also seem a little tight. I am concerned about glazing them and them not fitting anymore. I am not very familiar with lidded vessels so I would appreciate any advise on how to get better with this. As well as information on the best way to glaze the…

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    Patricia Moreno, Nadia Pomare and 4 others
    • I recommend you don’t glaze the gallery and don’t glaze the underside of the lid that touches the galley. You can use wax with some calcined alumina added to it applied to the areas your not waxing. in that way you can quickly clean off the glaze when you dip and hold the calcined alumina in place at the same time. The calcined alumina will… Read more

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    • Me too, I got one right then had failures after that lol.

    • Geoffrey Tjakra
    • Has anyone experienced difficulty throwing plates with clay that has a little grog in it? I was practicing making plates today and the clay kept getting goopy and the grog was messing me up, I think. I know I am still a beginner when it comes to throwing plates. (especially centering more than 3 lbs of clay 😞) Would appreciate any and…

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