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My Ceramics

In the studio I like to do

Handbuilding, Throwing on the Wheel

Pottery Wheel

Shimpo Aspire

Clay body


Clay Brand

I like to use different types of stoneware clay, for example Sibelco Vingerling K129, (white stoneware clay), Scandinavian Ceramics 25% grog, light colored clay, Sio-2 PRNI. black clay, Sibelco R 4005, red clay and a lovely stone grey clay from Sibelco WMS 2002.

Kiln Type

Electric Kiln

Kiln Atmosphere

Oxidation Atmosphere


Cone 5 1/2 – hot cone 6


Nowadays I use mostly glazes I mix myself (started doing that earlier this (2021) year) but I also use glazes from Amaco and Mayco. is my go-to place for recipes and I have tried numerous glazes out and about 10 or more will become a part of my pottery life.

I also use a glaze that is partly made from dug clay here in Iceland. It is very dark brown, almost black. With the addition of cobalt, it turns black. It’s thick, hard, and very durable. That clay has been tested and it was rated as a safe ingredient for a food-safe glaze, given the other ingredients are as well.

You can buy my work from

I do not have an online shop, except maybe through my Facebook account:

About Me


Hello all fellow potters.

My name is Linda and I live in a small geothermal town in S-Iceland called Hveragerdi ( “-hver” translates hot spring). I only have to walk about 7 minutes to a hot spring. They are numerous in and around my town.

Umm….. I am hardly a “potter”, but I DO love pottery and playing with clay.

I have had access to an old, stuffy garage my girlfriend owns, and her kiln, since 2019 and even though I am not there every day, it certainly is my most favorite place in the world! It’s even better since the mouse population went down after I set up an electric sound apparatus that seems to keep them away. ( Cleaning smelly mouse excrements when I want to be making something, is not enjoyable.)

Without the web and YouTube, I would not have evolved much. I have spent hours watching potters online making their things. Thanks to all the potters that give us their precious time and teach us how to become better at pottery making.

I am still very much of a wannabe potter, but a very curious and enthusiastic one. I do have a pottery wheel, but my skill set is very limited when it comes to throwing.  I love hand-building simple things but will ramp myself up and start making more complicated things.

Recently I started mixing my own glazes and that gives me a lot of enjoyment. With that, it feels like the things I make are really my creation, and it is so satisfying.

What I Love about Ceramics

Making things has always made my heart sing.

At first, I shied away from clay after someone told me that people with arthritis could not work it. But then I got to try it out one evening with my colleagues and realized I wanted more, much more.

Sometimes I can not knead the clay, so I either put it in a bag and wait or I simply beat it until it’s pliable. So far this has worked for me.

I make mostly small things, dishes, bowls, cups, and mugs.

As I am working I listen to music and let my mind wander. It is the most relaxing thing.

How I started with ceramics


What inspires me


What I'm working on at the moment

I recently finished bisk firing my first teapot and will glaze it when I have a full kiln.

I am working on spoon rests and other small things now.


As I am fairly new to ceramics, I do not have much to say here.

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