• Happiest New Year wishes to everyone!

      How’s your year shaping up so far? Toss a comment below as to what you’re working on in the studio this year. Share some pics if you have them and let’s get this 2022 party started!

      Nadia Pomare, Fabiola (Fab) De la Cueva and 3 others
      • I’ll get the ball rolling by sharing a piece from my first firing of 2022. This is a series I started last year for fun and to shake up some new ideas in the studio. I’m still not happy with the clear glaze I’m using but hopeful I’ll get that figured out this year. Anyone else dread glaze testing?

        • Hi Carol, Happy New Year!! Love the platter, really like the yellow there. Also dread glaze testing and firing lol, can really make or brake a piece can’t it!
          I’ve been away for a week but feels like a month, so trying to get back to making. Am attaching the last thing I got out of the kiln before Christmas.

          • Glad I’m not the only one that dreads glazing! LOL
            Loving these pieces you made Polina! Are they wee vases? Or sculptures? Either way so good!

            • Haha you could start a group here and call it I Dread Glazing and I’ll bet there will be plenty of members there!
              Thank you, yes those are tiny vases, functional ( if you find a flower or a twig small enough). I throw them on my mini wheel and then alter them, make lids and stoppers for some too. The king holding a fish was my sister’s Christmas present ( she waited for a year for him lol)

              • Oh you got one of those mini wheels! Love it. And yes a group to complain about glazes and kiln mess ups might be needed! LOL.

        • Hey Carole, I have people from the Ceramics Congress on Instagram that don’t know we can use the Ceramic School Groups as a communication hub.  Did I understand it wrong? I have been trying to get the party started as well.  They are interested in having a live chat once a week at a given time, would that work with this forum? I mean, they are all from the Congress?

          • Hey Barbara! Yes, we can help facilitate a live meet up for you! We normally hold one a month, our next one is scheduled for January 23rd. You all can join us for that one and break off onto your own ‘virtual table’. An email reminder gets sent out about the meet up a few days before the event. But if you’d like to schedule a more specific time for your group to meet up just drop me a line at carole@ceramic.school and we can figure out all the details : )

            • The 23rd sounds great for me. If you would send me a link I would appreciate it. Thanks!

              • Morning Barbara! We’re going to host the meet up on the 30th of the month now. I’ll make sure to get you a link : ) Looking forward to seeing you there.

          • Happy New Year! I am very excited about this first firing, I used the Mishima technique that @musingaboutmud taught us here at the Ceramic School 

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