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My Ceramics

In the studio I like to do

Handbuilding, Throwing on the Wheel, Sculpting

Pottery Wheel

I use an old kickwheel

Clay body

Earthenware, Stoneware

Clay Brand

Red Stone 28 Witgert mostly and also Sibelco 25procent chamotte called Vingerling. It is white clay. For more fine building and throwing I also use Witgert red 395.

Kiln Type

Electric Kiln

Kiln Atmosphere

Oxidation Atmosphere


Up 1200 Celcius


Mostly powder glaze. Mixed with oxides.

Last year I made my own slibs.

You can buy my work from

If you are interested in buying my work. Just visit FaceBook for contact.

About Me

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I enjoy to notice that people always recognize something of the internal person in my sculptures. That means that I can make thoughts and feelings visual and uniform for people.

During my éducation in Belgium I have had the opportunity several times to join an experimental group where I could apply my ideas situ.

What I Love about Ceramics

I can express my feelings, my mood.

How I started with ceramics

When I went to an art school in Belgium, to pick up a friend. When I came into the studio it felt like coming home. The smell of clay…  It’s like I realized that was a moment were I could change my live. It’s like I missed something. So I went to the art school and followed their program for 9 years. Learned a lot of technics. But what I also learned from my teacher John van Oers is to look carefully, make the right choices; what is your purpose, what is the message. I loved every day of it.

What inspires me

That’s a lot.

What I'm working on at the moment

Expressing my experiences with other people in a sculpture, It has to do with passing borders.

My Artist Statement

My interests are; human, nature and thoughts.


Training / education

2020 Course throwing pots.

2013 – 2016 Degree of specialization of sculpture. Still going on, exam at June 2016.

2007 – 2013 Academy of visual arts Arendonk Belgium.

2012 Course medal design.

Since 2011  trainee, assistent at Niko de Wit, plastic spatial artist in Tilburg. (Once a week)


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