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About Me


Born 1960 in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland.

First contact with clay 1976 and courses until 1980 by passing the education for primary school teacher.

Studies in special needs education at University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

Working as a head teacher at a school for handicapped children 1986 – 1994, as a special education teacher since 1994.

Since 2009 own studio/workshop in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland.

My Artist Statement

Working with clay and porcelain is my passion.

My goal is always to find boundaries with materials and firing techniques, with surfaces and expression, to experiment and to learn by trial and error.

So the question “What is or what happens if…” is my incentive to find her own way.

I get my inspirations form words, myth, fairytales, words, thoughts and feelings who creates imaginations but also from nature. After scetching and writing all these ideas, often they need time to mature – at once they come back in mind, sometimes in combinations who I’m never thinking about before. Mostly during working on well known techniques in a meditative way the question ” What is or what happens if…” appears and create new sights, new experiments and new works.

Reflecting about archtypes and its antagonists is also helpful to play with colours, surfaces and firing techniques and to create contrasts and tension or to find the most possible unity in a work.


2010-2017 Kunsthandwerkmarkt Schaan/FL
2015 Michel Keramikbedarf, Zürich/Switzerland: Totems
2016/17 Auction “Potters for Aleppo”
2017 Auction “Potters for Clay College”
2017 CAP “Bottles and Boxes”, Vichte/Belgium
2017 Michel Keramikbedarf Zürich/Switzerland: Totems
2021 CAP “Happiness”, Orléans/France

Advanced Trainings:
2009 Stefan Jakob, Switzerland: “Building a Raku Kiln from a Rubbish Bin”
2010 Stefan Jakob, Switzerland: “Low Firing Techniques”, “Advanced Raku Techniques”
2011 Jasmina Meier, Switzerland: “Building an Ocarina”
2013 Fritz Rossmann, Germany: “Porcelain – The White Gold”
2013 Markus Klausmann, Germany: “High Temperature Saggar Firing”
2013 Stefan Jakob, Switzerland: “Building a High-Fire Kiln”
2014 Shozo Michikawa, Japan: “Japanese Techniques on the Wheel”
2016 Peter Beard, United Kingdom: “Resist Techniques”
2017 Alberto Bustos, Spain: “Filamente Technique and Surface Techniques”
2018/19 Curtis Benzle, USA: “Coloured Porcelain”

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