Sasha Koozel Reibstein – Handbuilding & Lustre

Hi, my name is Sasha Koozel Reibstein and in this workshop, I am going to present a lot for you:

We will start with my sketchbook and discuss how I flesh out ideas. Then we’re going to move into hand-building, where I’m going to talk about the porcelains I work with and talk about how I create dense and rich surfaces and forms through layering and repetitive forms. After that, we will jump into glazing, and I’ll talk about how I build up these rich surfaces, layering a lot of different glazes, and then we’re even going to get into lustering. So, let’s get started!

After this workshop, you could be making masterpieces like these:

    When you buy this workshop, you get:

    • Instant Access to Watch my pre-recorded Workshop
      • The workshop is 2 hours 5 minutes long.
      • You can watch it as soon as you purchase this workshop & login to your account.
    • Bonus Q&A
      • Watch my bonus Q&A where I answered questions about my process face-to-face
    • Lifetime Access to the Replays
      • The workshop and the Q&A are recorded, and you will have lifetime access to it. You can watch it online, or download it to your device to watch offline at any time

About Sasha Koozel Reibstein

My work reflects on experiences of transformation, alchemy and the sublime, manifesting in sculptures that undulate between soft and hard, alive and static, real and imagined. These works shape-shift, oscillating between abstraction, flora, fauna and mineral. This has the effect of compressing time, with elements frozen in mid-transformation. This dislocation reflects on mortality and ephemerality, exploring the space in between stages in our lives as well as embracing fantasies of alternative dimensions as a means of escapism.

Material experimentation is important to my practice with some works having crystals cultivated directly onto sculpted armatures or encrusted with dense aggregates juxtaposed with traditional glaze surfaces to create a compelling tension. I want to subvert expectations for both subject and material, introducing mystery and questioning assumptions about beauty and value by pairing both high and low brow materials to create holographic, iridescent and precious metal surfaces. These works pull from the glam aesthetics of my youth, in part using the dazzling surfaces to create an alchemic landscape while also connecting to my own sense of nostalgia and memory as I consider time and mortality.

Recent works have had a more direct connection to science fiction and space, using conceptual elements such as black holes and portals to further explore psychic transformation and altered states of consciousness.



My Resume:

  • Instant Access.
  • 2 hours 5 minutes
  • Audio: English
  • English
  • Lifetime Access. Download or watch online
  • Price: $39 USD

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