Joris Link – Slipcasting Modular Molds

Hi, my name is Joris Link, and I’m an artist from the Netherlands. Most of my work is slipcast porcelain in plaster molds. In this workshop, I will be showing you how I make one of my bigger pieces. This piece is made of three parts.

This is a workshop for advanced users who should already know how to make small molds.

So in the workshop, I will begin to show you how I assemble my mold. I will show you the mold parts first and how I will fix the mold inside a kind of wheel contraption to be able to flip the mold over. Also, I will talk a little bit about how I fire the pieces that are too big to fit in my kiln.

After this workshop, you could be making amazing pieces like these:

When you buy this workshop, you get:

  • Instant Access to Watch my pre-recorded Workshop
    • The workshop is 50 minutes long.
    • You can watch it as soon as you purchase this workshop & login to your account.
  • Bonus Q&A
    • Watch my bonus Q&A where I answered questions about my process face-to-face.
  • Lifetime Access to the Replays
    • The workshop and the Q&A are recorded, and you will have lifetime access to it. You can watch it online, or download it to your device to watch offline at any time.

About Joris Link

Joris Link (1979) received his education at the Academy for art and design, ’s-Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands. He has been exhibiting his work since 2001 in the Netherlands and abroad.

The ceramic sculptures of Joris Link are about shapes, structures and contrasts. Often using repetition, constructed of serial produced elements which, depending on the space, are combined in different ways to become bigger sculptures. The sculptures are often monumental but can also be small objects. They tickle the imagination and form a relationship with its surroundings.

The sculptures in itself usually do not give away its size. They can easily be very small or huge. Inspiration comes from mathematical forms, molecules but also landscapes and nature.

Characteristic of Joris Link his work is his own idiom of form and use of colours displaying beautiful craftsmanship.


  • Instant Access.
  • 50 minutes
  • Course Certificate
  • Audio: English
  • English
  • Lifetime Access. Download or watch online
  • Price: $39 USD

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