Hi, I’m Clara from Italy, and in this workshop I will show you my main decoration technique – Sgraffito.

Sgraffito is a decoration technique that involves the application of a layer of slip, that is, a mixture of clay, pigment, and water.
This is a technique that has been used for centuries, it is present in different cultures.
There are many variations too, within the same technique and it is possible to combine them with other ways of decorating, in order to find a personal style, a more articulated voice.

We will start working on a medium sized round tile, making an illustration linked to the marine world, that usually inspires my work.
For each phase of the process I will tell you some tips and tricks. Everything that may be useful for the success of the work.

The workshop is also suitable for beginners.

After this workshop you could be making beautiful pieces like these:

When you buy this workshop, you get:

  • Instant Access to Watch my pre-recorded Workshop
    • The workshop is 1 hour 31 minutes long.
    • You can watch it as soon as you purchase this workshop & login to your account.
  • Bonus Q&A
    • Watch my bonus Q&A where I answered questions about my process face-to-face.
  • Lifetime Access to the Replays
    • The workshop and the Q&A are recorded, and you will have lifetime access to it. You can watch it online, or download it to your device to watch offline at any time.

Abou Clara Holt

I am an Italian artist based in Milan.

I mainly deal with printmaking and ceramics.
I realize indoor and outdoor hand-painted tile murals, and throw functional pots on the wheel.

Some pieces are decorated with the sgraffito technique on the raw piece. I apply a layer of colored slips to leather hard pottery and then scratch off parts of the layer to create contrasting images, patterns and texture and reveal the clay color underneath.

Some other pieces are handmade and bisque fired. Then I decorate them using oxides and pigments, I glaze and fire them again, to make them water safe and food safe.

I have always had a passion for classical literature, Greek epics and the surrealist current, which guides my research and personal interpretation of my subjects. Each piece is a one-off, illustrated with a drawing inspired by places, mythology or childhood stories.




  • Instant Access.
  • 1 hour 31 minutes
  • Course Certificate
  • English
  • Lifetime Access. Download or watch online
  • Price: $ 39 USD

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