Ashley Howard – Joining Porcelain & Terracotta

Hi, my name’s Ashley Howard, and the title of this workshop is called Mix & Match.
What we’re going to do is look at how we can mix clays on the wheel that don’t usually work well together.
So we’re going to be mixing porcelain with red clay, something that isn’t normally done, and look at ways in which we can make that bond successful. In this workshop it’s about working with the wheel and letting the wheel have a lot more say in what we do.

We’re going to be working with some dried paper pulp, and some malachite, which is a relatively fine grade. Then I’ve got some lumps, bumps, and chunks here which we’re going to mix into the clay and we’re going to throw with these interruptions.

This is an advanced workshop for people who can already throw on the wheel.

After this workshop, you could be making beautiful pieces like these:

When you buy this workshop, you get:

  • Instant Access to Watch my pre-recorded Workshop
    • The workshop is 57 minutes long.
    • You can watch it as soon as you purchase this workshop & login to your account.
  • Bonus Q&A
    • Watch my bonus Q&A where I answered questions about my process face-to-face.
  • Lifetime Access to the Replays
    • The workshop and the Q&A are recorded, and you will have lifetime access to it. You can watch it online, or download it to your device to watch offline at any time.

About Ashley Howard

Context and placement steer the thinking behind Ashley Howard’s work. He has always been fascinated by ritual and ritualistic vessels and has maintained a dialogue between Far-Eastern and homespun ceramic traditions which address his fascination with ceremony. Reflection through making is key to both his research development and teaching. Ashley is primarily a maker, and he is intrigued by the instinctive and intuitive engagement between maker and material. He is interested in exploring the architecture of the vessel, its surface and its relationship with the human and the spatial environment.  Ashley is a member of the International Academy of Ceramics.


  • Instant Access.
  • 57 minutes
  • Course Certificate
  • Audio: English
  • English
  • Lifetime Access. Download or watch online
  • Price: $ 39 USD

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