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Keeping Safe in Your Home Studio

Setting up a home studio is an exciting process! Not only does it provide the convenience of easy access, it allows you to customize your setup for exactly your own needs and preferences. This can lead to greater productivity, as well as helping with motivation and enjoyment.

As you go through your setup process, it’s important to consider your safety as well as your aesthetic and workflow preferences. And while these considerations are important no matter where your studio is, they are particularly important when they are connected to your living space. In today’s article, we’re going to look at several safety hazards in the home ceramic studio, and the steps you can take to minimize them.

1. Dust

Dust is probably the number one safety concern in any ceramic studio, and it requires extra consideration when your studio is in your home. As you may have read in our recent article, clay and glaze dust contain silica particles which can lead to a serious lung condition known as silicosis. These particles can remain airborne for a considerable amount of time, and with an improper setup, can migrate into other spaces in your home, either via airflow, or from your clothing and towels.

To reduce the amount of dust in your studio, wipe down all surfaces before the clay has had a chance to dry, and ensure that there is adequate ventilation, either through a window or an extractor fan. Always wear a respirator when working with dry powders (including clay), while sanding, or while using a spray gun. Whenever possible, do these activities outside and away from other people. You’ll also want to avoid sweeping, instead cleaning floors with a HEPA-filtered vacuum and a wet mop. 

To prevent the spread of clay dust to other areas of your home, make sure your studio space is equipped with a solid door that is kept shut when you are both inside and outside of your studio, and avoid bringing dirty tools, clothing and rags, or unfired pots into your living areas.

2. Kiln Safety

Having a kiln in your home offers many conveniences, particularly when it comes to scheduling and not having to transport unfired work. And while these amazing tools are generally very safe, they require proper set-up and operation to avoid a number of risks. 


One of the main safety concerns from kilns is the emission of a number of hazardous fumes, including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds. These fumes can not only be corrosive, but bad for your health as well. 

Proper ventilation is an absolute must for any kiln firing, but particularly in your home where not just you, but your family and pets may also be impacted. While a window and extractor fan are helpful, it’s well worth the investment to install a kiln ventilation system, which pulls fumes directly from your kiln to the outdoors. These can attach to the bottom of the kiln, or be positioned above it, and can be turned on manually or set to turn on and off automatically with the kiln. 

When possible, try to place your kiln in its own ventilated room, so that you are not working in the same space while it is operating. This will provide you with an extra layer of protection from fumes, and is particularly important if you are firing lustres, which are especially harmful. Be sure that the room is not too small, as this can cause overheating. You should have enough space to freely walk around the kiln, with cross ventilation to allow air to enter as well as leave the room.

Fire Risk

While fires are often the most feared risk of kilns, they are actually not that common. The risk does exist, however, so proper setup and handling are key.

Always make sure your kiln is set up at least 12” from any wall, and keep flammable items away. It’s also worthwhile to install fire-resistant cement boards on the walls nearest the kiln. If you need shelves in your kiln room, use metal instead of wood, and as stated in the previous section, make sure the kiln room is well ventilated. In addition, make sure you have an easily accessible fire extinguisher, being sure that it is the correct type based on your kiln (A-B-C for Electric, C for Gas), and take time to learn how to use it safely. Equip your kiln room with a fire detector and a carbon monoxide detector, being sure to change the batteries annually. 

As an extra precaution, consider setting up a camera or baby monitor linked to your mobile device so that you can monitor the kiln if you will not be present during the firing. Not only will this let you see and hear if any operating errors have occurred, but it can alert you to any larger problems such as a fire. 


These injuries are more common than fires, and generally happen through carelessness. We’ve all had that moment where we were over-eager to empty a kiln, only to grab a too-hot pot! To avoid the risk of burns, wait until your kiln is below 200F to unload, and have a good quality pair of leather work gloves, or better yet: fireproof kevlar gloves, to handle hot pots. Also keep your kiln room free of clutter to avoid accidentally bumping into your kiln while it is hot. Burns can also be caused by hot air escaping the kiln if it is opened too early.

Electric Shock

Shocks can occur with electric kilns if you touch a coil while energy is still being provided to the kiln. Make sure your kiln is connected to its own breaker that can be turned off whenever the kiln is not in use, and when you are unloading it. Also be sure to unplug the kiln if you are replacing the coils or doing any other maintenance, and do not use extension cords to connect your kiln to your power source. 

Eye Damage

If you are monitoring your kiln’s progress by observing cones or heat color through the peepholes, be sure to wear protective eye covering as the heat and light rays produced by the kiln can be damaging to your eyes. You can use IR and UV protective glasses, or Number 3 welders green or grey glasses.


Cuts are a common post-firing risk if your glaze has melted to your kiln shelf. Such drips can be incredibly sharp (they are glass afterall!) so it’s vital to wear proper work gloves as well as eye protection when you are cleaning this debris. Also be careful to avoid the temptation to brush off sand or other particles from your shelves without protection, as there may be left over shards that you cannot see and that can easily slice your hand.

3. Cross-Contamination

One safety hazard to watch out for in your home study is cross contamination between your studio and your living space. We already mention the need to reduce dust transfer through dirty tools and clothing, and to aid this, it’s important to have a separate sink for your studio. Never clean your tools or clay-covered hands in your kitchen or bathroom. Not only is it bad for your plumbing, but it risks contaminating high traffic areas, or even your food. 

Speaking of plumbing, make sure that your clay sink is equipped with a clay trap to prevent clogged pipes. There are a variety of models available, and DIY options as well. If you can’t set up a sink in your studio, use a bucket system, allowing the clay to settle before pouring out the water (outdoors if possible) and properly disposing of the sediment. 

Another cross-contamination risk is tools that have been adapted from the kitchen to the studio finding their way back. Once you have used a kitchen utensil (or any other home tool) in your studio, it should never return to its original purpose due to potential health risks. That goes for rolling pins, cookie cutters, knives, or anything else that you might have stolen from your main living space. To avoid the accidental return of such items, consider adopting a labeling system, such as red tape around handles. This will let you and your family know that the tool in question is the studio version, not the home one.

4. Hazardous Materials

Ceramic artists are in contact with a lot of hazardous materials, and there are a number of steps we need to take to protect ourselves and our family members if we are using and storing them in our home studio.

The measure we should already be well practiced at is the use of PPE. Always wear your respirator, safety goggles, and gloves when working with powders or other hazardous materials, and work in a ventilated area.

When it comes to storage and labeling, we may not have the best practices, especially if we are coming from a communal studio where such decisions are made for us. It’s also easy to become complacent if we’re used to working alone and we ‘know what everything is’ based on its packaging or location. While storage and labeling is always an important safety concern, it’s extra important if your studio is in your home and you live with other people.

For powdered materials such as dry glaze ingredients, consider storing in well-sealed plastic or metal containers rather than glass, as this removes the risk of shattering should the container fall. Clear plastic offers the added benefit of visibility, so that you don’t have to open the container to check the volume. 

Be sure to clearly label all of the materials with their name and any necessary hazard symbol. While you may know the dangers of a given material, others in your household may not. For this reason, it’s advisable to use the full material name on your label, rather than a shortened version, so that it can be quickly cross referenced in your MSDS/GHS binder should an accident occur. And yes, MSDS/GHS binders are needed in your private studio! For any new material you bring into your studio, download, print, and file its safety sheet, and store the binder where it is easily accessible.

Always be sure to read and follow proper storage requirements for hazardous materials, and place them out of reach of children and pets if there is the possibility of them entering the studio. 

Adding an eye washing kit to your studio, along with a well equipped first aid kit, is also an important measure you can take to keep everyone safe in your studio. Remember to regularly check expiry dates and replace as needed. 

5. Mold

Clay is a very moist material, and it’s very prone to growing mold. Add to this the frequent use of wooden ware boards and shelves, and the need for slow drying, it’s not uncommon for mold to be present in our studios. While the mold in clay is not typically harmful in small amounts, long term exposure can cause skin irritations and respiratory issues, so it’s important to do what we can to prevent it. 

One of the easiest ways to limit mold growth is to let things dry thoroughly. Avoid stacking damp boards, keep clay tightly wrapped, and make sure your space is well ventilated. Washing your boards with a small amount of bleach can help prevent mold growth, and can remove it if it’s already taken hold. If you live in a particularly damp environment, consider using a dehumidifier. Mold is also more likely to grow on older clay, so avoid stocking too much at a time.

If you use paper clay, which is particularly prone to mold growth, only mix up as much as you need for a given project. Adding a few drops of vinegar to your mix (and to your reclaim and water buckets as well), can also help to limit mold growth. If you find you are extra sensitive to mold, wearing gloves while you work can be a big help. As an extra precaution, you can add an air filter to your studio, which is also helpful for dust control.

6. Considerations for Children and Pets

One of the biggest benefits to having a home studio is the proximity it offers to our family. While there is something particularly lovely about sitting at your wheel with your dog at your feet, or teaching your kids how to make their first slab-built mug, having these family members in our studio requires extra precautions. 

If you plan on allowing pets or kids into your space, the first place you need to take extra care with is the floor. Our studio floors get dirty fast, not only collecting silica dust and clay debris, but anything else we may spill or drop. With paws, wet noses, and little hands in frequent contact with the floor, it’s important you clean it thoroughly before and after any visitors, and respond quickly to any spills. This goes for any other surfaces they may be in contact with as well.

Also be sure that all hazardous materials are put away and out of reach, and make the kiln room a no-go zone at all times. Identify any other potentially harmful tools or equipment and remove them from reach as well, and explain any safety rules clearly, such as no running or eating. 

For optimal safety, do not allow pets or young children in your studio unattended.

The journey of setting up a home studio is indeed an exhilarating endeavor, offering the unparalleled advantages of accessibility, personalization, and the fostering of creativity. Amid the excitement of creating the perfect artistic haven, it is crucial to acknowledge the importance of safety considerations, particularly when the studio is an integral part of your living space. Today’s exploration of safety hazards in the home clay studio underscores the significance of incorporating protective measures into the studio setup process. By prioritizing safety alongside aesthetic and workflow preferences, you can ensure a harmonious and secure environment, creating a space where artistic expression flourishes without compromising well-being.

Do you have any safety tips that you’ve implemented in your home studio? Let us know in the comments below! Or share your home studio secrets with the world in one of our forums or notes! #NoSecretsInCeramics


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