Catalina Vial – How to make Pastiche Sculptures

Hello, I’m Catalina Vial. In this workshop, I will share my process of assembling pieces using a technique I call pastiche.

Pastiche involves creating a collection of fragments assembled spontaneously, without any predetermined order. While sometimes I may start with a drawing or a scheme, the final result is always a product of spontaneous combinations, allowing the colors and clay to guide me.

Throughout this workshop, I’ll guide you step by step through the creation of each piece and the overall assembly process. I hope you find enjoyment in the journey and that it proves helpful to you.

After this workshop you could be making fantastic work like these:

When you buy this workshop, you get:

  • Instant Access to Watch my pre-recorded Workshop
    • The workshop is 1 hour long.
    • You can watch it as soon as you purchase this workshop & login to your account.
  • Bonus Q&A
    • Watch my bonus 47 minutes Q&A where I answered questions about my process face-to-face.
  • Lifetime Access to the Replays
    • The workshop and the Q&A are recorded, and you will have lifetime access to it. You can watch it online, or download it to your device to watch offline at any time

Catalina Vial

Egresé  de artes plásticas con mención en grabado de la Universidad Finis Terrae, en Santiago de Chile. Al salir de la universidad mi impulso por seguir descubriendo nuevas técnicas de expresión artísticas fueron un poco más lejos y me llevaron a conocer la encuadernación artística, la cual estudié y desarrollé en la Escola  Superior de Disseny i Art  “Llotja”, en Barcelona, España. Esto me llevo a tener la gran oportunidad de trabajar  en el departamento de restauración y encuadernación de la Biblioteca “Agustín Edwards Eastman”, donde tuve la chance de tener en mis manos documentos históricos, libros incunables y primeras ediciones de grandes autores.  

El año 2012, por razones familiares, me mudé a Lima, Perú, donde me reencontré con la cerámica, ya que en mi época universitaria había tenido el primer contacto con ella. Fue en el Taller Escuela de Cerámica Sonia Céspedes Rossel donde surgió la dependencia absoluta y mi completo enamoramiento hacia la cerámica. Ahí comenzó mi carrera sin parar por conocer a fondo las posibilidades que tiene la arcilla, participando en diferentes simposios, encuentros de ceramistas y talleres de profundización de ciertas técnicas. El año 2018, junto con dos compañeras y amigas, decidimos crear nuestro propio estudio de cerámica, llamado “Taller Alta Temperatura”.

I graduated in Fine Arts with a specialization in printmaking from the Finis Terrae University in Santiago, Chile. After leaving university, my passion for exploring new artistic expression techniques led me to delve into the world of artistic bookbinding. I studied and developed this skill at the Escola Superior de Disseny i Art “Llotja” in Barcelona, Spain. This journey granted me the incredible opportunity to work in the restoration and bookbinding department of the “Agustín Edwards Eastman” Library, where I had the privilege of handling historical documents, incunabula, and first editions of renowned authors.

In 2012, due to family reasons, I relocated to Lima, Peru, where I rediscovered my connection with ceramics, an art form I had initially encountered during my university days. It was at the Ceramics Workshop School Sonia Céspedes Rossel where my deep dependence and love for ceramics took root. This marked the beginning of my relentless pursuit to explore the vast possibilities of clay, participating in various symposiums, ceramicists’ gatherings, and workshops to deepen my understanding of specific techniques. In 2018, along with two colleagues and friends, we decided to establish our own ceramic studio, named “Taller Alta Temperatura” (High Temperature Workshop).


  • Instant Access.
  • 1 hour
  • Course Certificate
  • Audio: Spanish
  • English
  • Lifetime Access. Download or watch online
  • Price: $ 39 USD

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