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Clay Photography

Learn Pottery from Home!

Advanced Ceramics

Photography Tips for Ceramic Artists

In today’s blog, we unveil a trove of invaluable photography tips tailored specifically for ceramic artists that will transform your art into captivating visual stories!

Building a Business

3 Secrets for Instagram Success

What would your Pottery Business be like if you had 10k followers on Instagram? Or 50k? Or 100k?
Watch the Free Workshop Here.

Building a Business

How to film videos that get shared on Instagram

Andy Boswell from KaolinTiger Studios shares how he created his Instagram video that got shared by HGTV. This resulted in a ton of new followers, and more importantly, a ton of sales for him over the weekend. Join our Instagram for Potters course!In our Instagram for Potters course, we teach

The Big Pottery Book List
Advanced Ceramics

The Big Pottery Book List

When you have the right pottery book, creating with clay can be freeing and amazing. You can create anything that you can imagine. However, it can be hard to understand how to do certain techniques correctly when you are first starting out. If you are learning at home or seeking

DIY light box
Advanced Ceramics

How to make a DIY Light Box

DIY Light Boxes: How to make your own DIY Light Box – so you can start taking Professional Photographs of your work.

best light boxes
Building a Business

Best Light Boxes

Light boxes are extremely helpful for photographing your work. The difference between photos of ceramics that have been photographed in a light box is tremendous. If you want to get into galleries and other prestigious events, then you need top quality photographs. If you want top quality photographs, then you

DIY light box
Advanced Ceramics

How to Take Great Photos of Your Ceramics

When it comes to taking photos of your work it is important to know what to do and what to avoid in order to get the best possible photos. If you are trying to get into galleries, art shows, or art fairs it can be hard when your photos are

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Featured Ceramic Articles

Advanced Ceramics

Raku Firing with Andrew Cummins

Andrew Cummins discusses the ancient art of pottery making, with an emphasis on raku firing. “Raku” is a Japanese term which roughly translates to “happy

Wine Goblet
Advanced Ceramics

How to Make a Wine Goblet

In this video, Janis Wilson Hughes from Evolution Stoneware Pottery demonstrates how to make a wine goblet. Janis Wilson Hughes is a potter from Johnson

Discover the World of Ceramic Artist Residencies
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Discover the World of Ceramic Residencies

Whether you’re looking to hone your ceramic skills, seeking fresh perspectives, or looking to recharge your creative batteries, ceramic residencies are an excellent way to boost your practice!

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