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Kid-Friendly Ceramics

Learn Pottery from Home!

Advanced Ceramics

7 YouTube Channels to Follow To Learn Pottery At Home.

YouTube is an amazing place to watch hundreds of free online pottery lessons – and with many people starting out their pottery journey with a “YouTube Education” it’s great place to start with some beginners pottery lessons. Learning online is Amazing! Why? You can Pause & Rewind – You can’t

The Big Pottery Book List
Advanced Ceramics

The Big Pottery Book List

When you have the right pottery book, creating with clay can be freeing and amazing. You can create anything that you can imagine. However, it can be hard to understand how to do certain techniques correctly when you are first starting out. If you are learning at home or seeking

ceramic Luminaries
Advanced Ceramics

How to Make Ceramic Luminaries

In this video, we see John Britt showing us how he creates ceramic luminaries for candles. John Britt is a studio potter in Baskerville, North Carolina. John is a self-taught potter who has taught and worked extensively at many locations including at Penland School of Crafts. John is also the

Pottery Studio Safety
Advanced Ceramics

20 Ways to Stay Safe in the Pottery Studio

Studio safety is key to living a long and healthy life as a potter. In our line of work, we can come into contact with many different job hazards that can cause us grief down the road. Being cautious and taking preventative measures is the best way to stay safe

how to clean your studio
Advanced Ceramics

How to Clean your Studio

Cleaning your studio regularly is essential to having a safe environment to work. If you do not clean a pottery studio regularly then the dust from the clay can build up and cause long-term issues with your health. In this article, we are going to discuss how to clean your

spoon rest
Advanced Ceramics

How to Make a Spoon Rest

In this video, Janis Wilson Hughes from Evolution Stoneware Pottery demonstrates how to make a spoon rest. Janis Wilson Hughes is a potter from Johnson City, Tennessee. Her work focuses on functional tableware that mainly relates to bottle forms and containers for liquids. These items range from decanters, olive oil

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Featured Ceramic Articles

Advanced Ceramics

Two Ways to Facet a Mug

・ さて、どこへ人形を持って行くのでしょう? ・ Faceting. ・ #うつわ#器#マグカップ#阿部春弥 #pottery #ceramics #porcelain #handcraft #tableware A post shared by Haruya Abe 阿部春弥 (@abe_haruya) on Mar 25, 2017 at 1:59am