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Five Pottery Books to Add to your Collection

In our modern age of technology, information is all around us. Still, there are times where it can be difficult to find and keep track of certain useful information to assist a potter in the studio. That’s where a couple of good pottery books come in handy. Pottery books help organize information for certain audiences into easy to access formats. These five pottery books can assist both beginner and more experienced potters in an assortment of ways – whether you get a digital or physical copy of them. A few of these pottery books will be very useful for potters who are new to the field and other pottery books will help more experienced potters refine their work to masterpieces. Here is the list for five pottery books to add to your collection:

250 Tips, Techniques, and Trade Secrets for Potters

Where can you get this? Amazon

Formats: Kindle and Paperback

For: Beginners mostly, but may provide useful information for more experienced potters still

What is it about? – This book is a good introduction into pottery for beginners and covers a variety of topics that someone just starting in pottery might not consider. Some topics include types of clay, tools to use, forming slabs, pinching, coiling, throwing, and mold making. However, for the more experienced potters it might not be as useful and will be a review of many techniques they already know. Also, there seems to be some gaps in steps for some of the processes, although this shouldn’t be an issue for the more experienced potters who know what step isn’t included. These gaps in step descriptions can cause issues for those who are new to pottery.

Potter’s Bible: An Essential Illustrated Reference for both Beginner and Advanced Potters

Where can you get this?: Amazon

Formats: Kindle and Hardcover

For: Beginners and experienced potters alike

What is it about? – This book works well for both introductory potters and experienced potters. There is so much information covered in this book along with illustrations and descriptions that this book will be a helpful addition to almost any potter’s library. This book is useful for both hand builders and throwers alike. There are many techniques covered in this book : scraffigo, mocha diffusion, agateware, burnishing, salt and soda glazes, lusters, saggar and pit firings, and so many more! If you’re interested in expanding your surface techniques this book is the one to get. The only possible issue with this book is that there could be more of a detailed explanation and walk through for the processes as some of the sections seemed a little too brief.

Mastering the Potter’s Wheel: Techniques, Tips, and Tricks for Potters

Mastering the Potter's Wheel: Techniques, Tips, and Tricks for Potters

Where can you get this?: Amazon

Formats: Kindle and Hardcover

For: Beginners and experienced potters – highly recommend for both

What is it about? – This book is one that both new and old potters should add to their collection. It will not only give you information for how to keep yourself healthy in the studio (related to posture, throwing, wedging, and so on) but will also recommend the amount of clay to use for different pieces when throwing. This book is a life saver for beginners who aren’t sure the amount of clay to use for bowls, cups, mugs, vases, and so on. It is a beautifully illustrated book, with work by other potters. It is also filled with a wealth of information to try and solve common issues that happen when throwing on the wheel or with many other disciplines.

Clay and Glazes for the Potter

clay and glazes for the potter

Where can you get this?: Amazon

Formats: Kindle and Paperback

For: Beginners and experienced potters – can be a little complicated

What is it about? – This book goes into the nitty gritty details of clays and glazes. Topics covered include the origins of clay, the nature of glass and glazes, oxides and their function in glaze forming, calculating glaze formulas, and many more. If you have questions about clays or glazes this book can help you find the answers. This book is helpful for all potters of different experiences, but at times can be a little confusing for potters just starting to experiment with glazes.

The Complete Guide to Mid-Range Glazes: Glazing and Firing at Cones 4-7

The Complete Guide to Mid-Range GlazesWhere can you get this?: Amazon

Formats: Hardcover only

For: Beginners and experienced potters – highly recommended for both

What is it about? – This book is another one that all levels of potters should add to their collection. There are many recipes, tips, and explanations when it comes to understanding both your clay body and your glaze. This book will help you achieve brilliant colors in an oxidation kiln that are usually only seen in reduction kilns. Some bonuses of this selection are that the author also discusses wood, soda, and salt firings. There are many pictures in this book that show off great examples of the clay and glaze, and detailed explanations which should help all levels of potters.


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